Customized stamps

Bring a unique touch to your mailings and order your customized stamps!

My customized stamp : Create your own personalized stamp


Order your customized stamps in 3 simple steps

Step 1
Fill out the contact form.
Step 2
Send us your payment by mail at Calédoscope or a post-office of your choice.
Step 3
Receive your customized stamps to any address* or retrieve them at Calédoscope.
*International Postage Charges: 330 XPF


The customized stamp service allows you to easily print original stamps for your mailings

An opportunity to mark the great events of your life: weddings, birth, holidays, graduation, and other events to celebrate.


TypeFirst sheet priceAdditional sheet
Classic sheet of 25 stamps Cagou RED

25 stamps at 210 F = 5250 F

Customization = 2 250 F

TOTAL = 7 500 F

25 stamps at 210 F = 5250 F

Customization = 450 F

TOTAL = 5700 F per sheet

Souvenir sheet of 20 stamps Cagou RED

20 stamps at 210 F = 4 200 F

Customization = 2 300 F

TOTAL = 6 500 F

20 stamps at 75 F = 4 200 F

Customization = 500 F

TOTAL = 4 700 F per sheet

Classic sheet of 25 stamps Cagou BLUE

25 stamps at 310 F = 7 750 F

Customization = 2 250 F

TOTAL = 10 000 F

25 stamps at 310 F = 7 750 F

Customization = 450 F 

TOTAL = 8 200 F per sheet

Souvenir sheet of 20 stamps Cagou BLUE

20 stamps at 310 F = 6 200 F

Customization = 2 300 F

TOTAL = 8 500 F

20 stamps at 310 F = 6 200 F

Customization = 500 F

TOTAL = 6 700 F per sheet

Sheets shipping costs (registered delivery included): 330 F.

More Information

You can order your customized stamps :

  • Online :
    • Fill out the contact form
    • Send yout payment by cheque at : 

Mon Timbre Perso
Agence Philatélique
7 Rue Eugene Porcheron

  • Receive your customized stamps by registered delivery to any address.
  • At Agence philatélique or any Post-Office:
    • Ask for an order form
    • Fill the order form and save up your picture on a digital medium (Flash Drive…)
    • Submit your picture with your payment
    • Receive your customized stamps to any address


Customized stamps are provided in 2 types of sheets and 2 postage rates:

  • Classic sheet of 25 stamps,
  • Souvenir sheet of 20 stamps with a customized message on the sheet,
  • Postage rate for New-Caledonia : your customized picture with a definitive stamp Cagou Red at 210 F,
  • International postage rate for the 2nd area (Europe countries, France included with all territorial authorities) : your customized picture with a definitive stamp Cagou Blue at 310 F